Solutions for

Solutions for Data-Driven Wellbeing

The Neocogita system

Evolvity is a service dedicated to companies that care about the wellbeing of their employees. All workers can keep track of their health status in a simple, fast, reliable and secure way. The company admin (typically the CHRO) has access to aggregated and anonymous data to know the wellbeing level of the company.

Brain Wellness™ is a programme that Neocogita has developed to enhance personal and professional performance. It offers widely used Mindfulness, Cognitive Training and Lifestyle Assessment protocols based on rigorous neuroscientific research.

The innovative, patented Transdermal Optical Imaging (TOI™) technology allows users to get a report of their physical and mental health in just 30 seconds. The technology is based on a face scan that uses advanced image processing and machine learning techniques to capture changes in facial blood flow using a standard camera installed on any smartphone or PC.

Neocogita products

Through ‘wellbeing technologies’ we help people achieve health, mental and social wellbeing and maximise their individual potential.



Evolvity is a service dedicated to companies that care about the wellbeing of their employees. All workers can keep track of their health status in a simple, fast, reliable and secure way. The company admin has access to aggregated end anonymous data, to know the wellbeing level of the company.

Brain Welness

Brain Wellness

Brain Wellness™ is a programme that Neocogita has developed to enhance personal and professional performance. It offers widely used Mindfulness, Cognitive Training and Lifestyle Assessment protocols based on rigorous neuroscientific research.

TOI™ Technology

TOI™ Technology

The innovative, patented Transdermal Optical Imaging (TOITM) technology allows users to get a report of their physical and mental health in just 30 seconds. The technology is based on a face scan that uses advanced image processing and machine learning techniques to capture changes in facial blood flow using a standard camera found on any smartphone.

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Your cognitive, emotional and relational development depends on you.